Seeker! If you are searching for answers about how to solve problems, see here.

First Steps

YOUTOR is a cool virtual platform where you can help people solve their problems. On our problem board, simply select a problem you know the solution for and make an offer to solve it. If the user accepts your offer, the deal is made between the two of you. After you have solved the problem together and you have marked it accordingly, you will receive your money. YOUTOR acts as a reliable mediation platform.

A Seeker is a person who is looking for a solution to their problem. UTORs are the helpers who can solve the problem.

To be able to use YOUTOR to its full extent, you must register for free. For this you must only be of legal age or, if you are not yet of legal age, have the permission of a legal guardian. Use the slider next to the logo to make sure you are in the UTOR view. Now you can click on the 'Become UTOR' button on the homepage to start your registration. This will open a new window to login. Below, you can find the text 'Don't have an account? Sign up'. As soon as you have completed the registration form, you will receive an e-mail which you need to confirm. Simply click on the link in the e-mail to complete your registration.

According to our terms of use, you may only register once, regardless of whether you use the platform privately or professionally. You may not transfer your account to other users.

At the top right of the menu you will find My Profile. It's worth taking the time to create a meaningful profile. Use the pens and enter your skills, for example: where are you particularly good at? Write a few lines about yourself and go into more detail about your expertise. What makes you a good helper? A profile picture as a logo or an appealing picture also inspires confidence and makes you stand out as a UTOR. There are no limits to your creativity here! However, please make sure you provide honest information.

You also need to set up a payment profile with Stripe. To do this, use the button next to your profile picture and select the type of company you are on the following page. Don't be put off by the terminology here. You don't have to have a registered business - if you are a sole trader or small business, that's perfectly fine. However, other types of company are just as welcome!

There is no verification and you do not need any certificates to to create your profile. However, please only offer yourself as UTOR for problems that you are confident to solve. If you are unsure whether you can help with the problem, use the conversation to clarify any uncertainties with the Seeker in advance.

Also remember that the seeker will get his money back if you are unable to solve his problem. It is therefore only worth looking for problems in the category area for which you have the relevant expertise. Solving problems quickly and smoothly will satisfy you and the seeker. It also ensures that the payment is processed without complications so that you receive the money you have earned promptly.

If you have the expertise to be able to solve problems in more than one subject area, there are no limits here. However, bear in mind that there may be legal regulations from the state that need to be observed when advising on topics with a legal, financial or health focus, for example.

Offer Submission

As soon as you have set up your payment profile, you can access the Problem Board in the top right-hand menu. All open problems are displayed here. You can filter specific problems so that you only see requests for topics that you are familiar with.

On the Problem Board, select a problem for which you think you can offer a suitable solution. If you want to ask questions first, you can leave the price field empty. As soon as you want to submit an offer, simply fill in the price field and send the offer.

The offer is binding after acceptance by the Seeker. Before acceptance, you have the option to adjust your offer or, if necessary, withdrawing it completely.

Solution Process

You are free to cancel the solution process at any time. For example, because the problem is more complex than previously assumed. However, you are only paid for solved problems - not for problem solutions that have been started but not completed.

Whether chat, video telephony, voice chat or screen sharing - everything is possible! For example, you can send an ad-hoc solution with step-by-step instructions via chat. Or, if you prefer a more personal approach and want to ask questions directly, you can also arrange a video chat session with the Seeker. There are no limits to your personal preferences here!

As soon as you have solved the problem, you can mark it as solved on the Problem Board under the 'Offers' tab. After doing this, it is considered officially solved and the outstanding amount of money for solving the problem will be paid out to you.

Payment Process

As soon as the Seeker accepts your offer, the transaction is processed via Stripe. They hold the money for you until you have marked the problem as solved. As soon as this is the case, it will be transferred to the bank account you specified when setting up your profile. You can find more information at


If a Seeker has given you a review that may have been unjustifiably negative, you can submit a statement within the next 30 days. If the Seeker violates our manners in the review, for example by using vulgar language or insults, please contact our support team. In this case, the review will be deleted and the context of the case will be examined more closely.

If the money has already been distributed to the UTOR, although the Seeker's problem has not actually been solved, the money will be confiscated from the UTOR and refunded to the Seeker. If a Seeker abuses the refund and and makes an unjustified request, the UTOR can report this. The matter will then be reviewed and the Seeker may be excluded from the platform. It is also possible that legal action may be taken.